Key Features:

  • 100% Analog Stereo Compression: Enjoy the classic warmth of analog optical compression with precision control.
  • Musical Range Control: Fine-tune your sound effortlessly for mastering with intuitive controls.
  • Creative Side-Chain Options: Explore dynamic audio effects with side-chain audio input and CV control.
  • Versatile EQ Control: Shape your sound precisely with adjustable EQ filters for various instruments.
  • Wide Range of Connectivity: Seamlessly integrate with different devices using flexible input/output gain options.
  • Visual Feedback: Stay informed with a responsive VU meter for gain reduction and output levels.

Detailed Description:

The Quanalog Optopus is an Eurorack stereo analog compressor designed to emulate the vintage feel of classic optical mastering compressors. It offers precise control over attack and release settings, allowing for tailored compression in both studio and live settings.

The Optopus boasts a transparent signal path when no compression is applied, maintaining the original audio’s clarity and dynamics. When compression is engaged, it provides a subtle yet effective compression, adding a touch of warmth and cohesion to your mix. Its intuitive controls ensure smooth adjustments without abrupt changes, making it ideal for mastering and live performances.

The magic of the Optopus lies in its analog components, each contributing to its unique character and enhancing the stereo image of your audio. With side-chain signal routing and EQ controls, you can tailor the compression to suit different instruments and audio sources, whether you’re enhancing the low end or controlling dynamic range.

With CV control for threshold and reduction levels, the Optopus becomes a playground for creative expression, allowing you to experiment with various modulation sources for dynamic effects. And of course, the classic analog VU meter provides visual feedback, adding a touch of vintage charm to your setup while ensuring precise control over your audio levels.